Please Respond to this

What is your favorite animal, color, food, number, sport, place to live, and vehical. Then I will make it into a story! Here's mine:
Duck, ice cream, 7, karate,and RV


  1. Here's mine. Tiger,blue(I also like orange and black) Pizza,16,Italy, and cube car!

  2. I forgot to add that I like Volleyball for a sport!

  3. There once was a blue tiger living in Italy. He was hungry. So, he went outside and got into his cube car. He was driving to pizza hut! He ate 16 pizzas in only one hour! He looked at the time and noticed it was time for volley ball practice! He went out into his cube car and drove straight there. He played and at the end, he won! The day was almost over. He drove home and went to bed. In the morning, he was hungry...

  4. OMG!! I love that story! I want to read it again! You gave me an idea for a story like this but longer!!! YAY!!!

  5. There oce was a dog that was RED and her fav food was CHINESE so he went to her fav number restrant 16 and relised she was late for her GYMNASTICS meet in NEBRASKA or MONTANNA so she hopped in her RV and was there late but still did her meet
